Basisrecept voor een gezonde ontbijtsmoothie met 7M

Base recipe for a healthy breakfast smoothie with 7M

A healthy breakfast smoothie for everyone with this basic recipe.

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The taste of a breakfast smoothie is very unique and personal. Every smoothie also has its own purpose. For example, you may prefer a smoothie with fruit, because you know that otherwise you will not eat it enough and because you like it. Someone else may find it important to hide more vegetables in it so that his or her children eat more vegetables. 


That is why we have prepared a basic recipe for a healthy breakfast smoothie for you. This way you can choose which type of fruit, vegetable or which liquid you put in your smoothie. With this basic recipe, everyone can come up with a healthy smoothie! We are curious which smoothie you prefer. Let us know and maybe we'll see your smoothie appear on our website soon. 


Ingredients basic recipe for a healthy breakfast smoothie:


🥛 240 ml liquid of your choice (think: almond milk, water, cows milk, oat milk, coconut milk)
🍌 1 small banana (the greener the better)
🍍 50 g of fruit of your choice (think: pineapple, mango, pear, blueberry, apple, raspberry, strawberry)
🌾 2-4 tablespoons of oatmeal
🥬 handful of vegetables (think: spinach, kale, endive, broccoli, bok choy, celery)
🌿 10 ml 7M
🥄 (optional) 1 tsp maple syrup / honey / coconut blossom sugar

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  • 100% certified organic

  • Suitable for vegetarians and vegans